Add API interface function to Integrate third-party HR systems

Add API interface function to Integrate third-party HR systems


We encountered a strong competitor with Microsoft AD Integrate with any HR system with custom API interface on every project, they can add the data in HR system and use some script to transfer the data to the Micorsoft AD environment automatically.

And PK with the competitor, cause ADM only can d
elegated authority to HR department and have no API Interface to receive any more data from HR system / software, so that we do not have any competitive advantage with competitor.

In many case, new staff
apply for entry formalities first go to HR department, and HR will add some staff info to their system, but this system will seperate with IT department, data also cannot transfer to Microsoft AD, if we delegate the right to HR, they also unwilling to enter the data in two system.

So,we want the 
R & D teams can kindly evalate carefully with the API interface, whether can add this funtion in ADM software and receive any other AD data Integrate with any other third system.

API usage:
1. receive data from HR system.
Data such as : staff name( In AD: User name) , department (
In AD:OU), mobile No. (In AD: mobile phone) can transfer from HR system to create AD account automatically through the API interface
2.  not to send out any other data from ADM to the third system, just receive data and to generate some account in Microsoft AD through our ADM software

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