Client close request: problems with link (unnecessary authorization needed)

Client close request: problems with link (unnecessary authorization needed)


We are using MSP SDP ver. 9200 

So about the problem.

There is a problem (I think so) with closing requests, when clients closing request from email notification link.

When request receiving from Main Account, request close link looks like that: 

When client go to this link, he has a new web-window, with the button: "Close Request"


If request received from client1, link looks like that: 


If request received from client2, link looks like that: 


It seems, when we go to this link, service desk require authorization for people (client1 account, and client2 account)

When authorization completed, service desk allow people to close request in new web-window.

It is inconvenient for customers 

If we delete, from link, name of client1 account, service desk allow to close request without authorization. (It seems, that key in link "KEY=" is more that enough) 

Link extracted from email-system-variable:$RequestCloseLink 


Anybody has ideas, how to recive link for closing request without client authorization? 

(remove /client1/ from link?)

Help me please!

Sorry for my english.

Best regards.

Have a good mood!

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