Service templates and SLA

Service templates and SLA


SELECT servicedefinition.NAME "Service Category", requesttemplate_list.TEMPLATENAME "Service template", sladefinition.SLANAME "SLA", accountdefinition.ORG_NAME "Account", slaescalation.LEVEL "SLA escalation LEVEL", aaauser.FIRST_NAME "Escalate TO" FROM requesttemplate_list LEFT JOIN serviceslaaccmapping ON (requesttemplate_list.SLAID = serviceslaaccmapping.SLAID) LEFT JOIN accountdefinition ON (serviceslaaccmapping.ACCOUNTID = accountdefinition.ORG_ID) LEFT JOIN sladefinition ON (serviceslaaccmapping.SLAID = sladefinition.SLAID) LEFT JOIN servicedefinition ON (requesttemplate_list.PARENT_SERVICE = servicedefinition.SERVICEID) LEFT JOIN slaescalation ON (slaescalation.SLAID = sladefinition.SLAID) LEFT JOIN escalateton ON (slaescalation.ESCALATETOID = escalateton.ESCALATETOID) LEFT JOIN aaauser ON (escalateton.USERID = aaauser.USER_ID)
WHERE (requesttemplate_list.IS_CATALOG_TEMPLATE ='1')

Krishna Bharat

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