"Time Elapsed" of a Request is "0hrs -9639min"

"Time Elapsed" of a Request is "0hrs -9639min"

"Time Elapsed" value of one of closed requests shows up as 0hrs -9639min, which is obviously odd.

What is wrong with this request and how can I correct the Time Elapsed time?

Thank you.



This request is created on 2014/05/12 20:07 and resolved on 2014/06/10 18:45.

Our business hour is from 9:00 to 17:30, and we had 8 days marked as holidays, i.e., the actual time elapsed should have been 21 days, excluding OnHold time.

Our system is set not to Open onhold requests upon requesters reply and to ReOpen the request always When the requester replies through E-mail to the closed requests.

We are on SDP 8.2 (build 8217).

[Request History]

Created by System on 2014/05/12 20:07

Operation : CREATE , Performed by : System


Resolved by <Technician> on 2014/05/16 14:49

Operation : RESOLVED , Performed by : <Technician>

Merge by <Technician> on 2014/05/22 17:43

Request Merged , Performed by : <Technician>
Request ID 1148 merged with this request

Updated by <Technician> on 2014/05/23 13:44

Request Updated by <Technician>
Time Spent changed from 31hrs 19min to 0hrs 0min
ISAFTEROVERDUE changed from None to true
Resolved Time changed from 2014/05/16 14:49 to N/A
Time of stop timer changed from N/A to 2014/05/23 13:44
Status changed from Open to On Hold


Merge by System on 2014/05/27 16:17

Operation :Conversation added ,Performed by :System
Conversation ID 4607 is added as conversation for the request.

Resolved by <Technician> on 2014/06/10 18:45

Operation : RESOLVED , Performed by : <Technician>


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