Two issues with the Notification Templates system..

Two issues with the Notification Templates system..

 Issue #1

Technician Notification – “Alert(or Notify) technician by e-mail when there is a new reply from the requester”

The above notification template appears to also apply to technicians as well as requesters.

When a ServiceDesk Technician replies to an e-mail from another Technician regarding a Service Ticket with the ServiceDesk e-mail in the TO: field

The Notification Template assumes that messages being sent between two technicians are instead being sent from the Requester who originally submitted that service ticket, not the technician responding to the message because of the Notification Template.

Resulting in:

New reply from technician, to other technician (E-mail, or within ServiceDesk):

Subject: Request #$RequestId - Reply from $FirstName $LastName


Subject: Request #8888 – Reply from Requester FirstName Requester LastName

Should Read:

Subject: Request #8888 – Reply from Technician FirstName Technician LastName

The Notification Template seems to be enabled for both Requesters, and Technicians yet the fields $FirstName $LastName only represent the Requester, even when a technician is the one replying to a message. 


Below Should say: Request #9046 - Reply from Jennifer Johnson


In our case this showed that we had a new reply from the requester, not the technician. When it was in fact the technician responding to the message. 



Issue #2

Requester Notification - "Notify requester when a request is appended with a technician's reply by e-mail"

With this option enabled, when a technician sends a message to another technician via e-mail with the “ServiceDesk” e-mail attached as is such with a “Reply-All” response – The requester is automatically CC’d or included in on the correspondence.

This results in: Requester receiving a copy of message, even though the technicians have been communicating back and forth by themselves introducing the Requester to commentary they likely may not need to see. 

It might be helpful to have an ability to enable only the assigned technician’s comments or e-mail responses to be set as public, or sent to the requester, and not simply any technician who responds back to the e-mail.  

Hope this makes sense!


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