We found some issue in Business view map

We found some issue in Business view map

When we use the large-screen to display the business view map ,we found some issues below:

1.Device alignment and the connection line not to connect to the icon center, the line connect to the frame corner center. (This effect will be very ugly)

Note: If we have change the icon size from 48*48 pix to 20*20 pix, you will see the effect below:

  (other manufactures product)

2. When we use the large-screen to display the business view map, the less traffic load line would not be shown with the dark background (all of large-screen will be the dark background) the effect shown as below:

We can not see the line i
n the dark background, but can see the line in the white background. This issue whether can be repaired in the future????

Cherry Leung
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