Your Roadmap / Feature requests list

Your Roadmap / Feature requests list

In many of my previous post, I have been critical of Manage Engine support / response to customer requests.

I'd like to start this post by offering congratulations. With the release of the last several hotfixes, I have noticed that Manage Engine seems to be making a sincere effort to reduce the time it takes to stabilize the application by rolling out fixes in a shorter time frame. A number of issues that we had with SD Pus have been resolved by the last few hotfixes.

As a way to keep on improving, I'd like to offer the following suggestion specifically about the layout of your roadmap. Currently, your roadmap lists requested features categorized by affected module. Rather than categorizing simply based on Modules, I think it would be better if you categorize based on feature requests.

As an example, let me use an item for which I see frequent requests:  Email ID to Notify.

Here's how it would be laid out:

      Feature request for:  Email ID to Notify:
                  Request 1            Status
                  Request 2            Status
                  Request 3            Status
                  Etc.                      Status

                  Module(s) impacted:
                        Module 1
                        Module 2
                        Module 3

This lay-out would make it much easier for your customers, and for your development teams, to read and follow the roadmap and feature request list.

This lay-out would also improve your development teams workflows. By seeing all the feature requests related 1 item in a logical listing, they would be able to better prioritize development. It would also make it easier for them to group feature requests in their development cycles when it makes sense to do so.

JMichel D
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