Best way to uninstall KB3035583 (GWX) with ME DC

Best way to uninstall KB3035583 (GWX) with ME DC

I've already successfully deployed the Reg tweak (and dozens of other DC configurations and deployments, not a total noob) to disable the Get Windows 10 (GWX) updates, per the Microsoft KB.

However, I also need to remove the entire KB3035583 since it is nagging our users still (even though it's disabled and won't allow the upgrade).  I have been unable to do this, since this KB is not listed in my ME DC patches for uninstallation.  I've also tried a simple one-line batch with the WUSA command that works when it is run interactively (c:\windows\system32\wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3035583 /quiet /norestart /log).  Unfortunately, this does not work as a script through ME DC and doesn't seem to get the elevation that other scripts and configurations do.  It runs in under a second on the remote PC and does and logs nothing.

What is the best way to do this?  Thanks!

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