Change Workflow edits are editing another Workflow!! Help!

Change Workflow edits are editing another Workflow!! Help!

(Reported with respect to ServiceDesk 9003 Enterprise)

Essentially, I edited the SDGeneral workflow (no longer the default) and a duplicate of the SDGeneral workflow (which had been configured uniquely after duplication) changed to match the SDGeneral !!  This caused notifications to fail or go out when they weren't supposed to.  I have spent a lot of time I don't have trying to determine the extent of the incorrect or missing communication (doing damage control).

I need to know how and why this happened so I can avoid it in the future.

Edits to current default Change Workflow modify original system default Change Workflow and vice versa.  In fact, edits seem to disappear, or once opened, ‘Notify to:’ lists populated with Change Roles before editing open with no Change Roles identified. 

Steps that led to the situation

Immediately following the initial ServiceDesk upgrade to version 9 (Change Workflows available):
  • "SDGeneral" workflow duplicated 
  • (duplicate named "Non-Standard & Proposed Standard”)

  • "Non-Standard & Proposed Standard" workflow set as default and modified away from original configuration
  • Important to note that edits to the child duplicate workflow did not alter "SDGeneral" to match

  • "SDGeneral" disabled

Change 2369

  • "SDGeneral" still disabled, but as it is still applied to all Changes that have not had another workflow manually set, decided to configure it to be used
    (Configure it as a variation of the current "Non-Standard & Proposed Standard" workflow, for situations where no LineManager Change Role is involved)

  • Change 2369: "SDGeneral" renamed “Non-Standard & Proposed Standard – ChangeOwner-managed”
  • Edits to “Non-Standard & Proposed Standard – ChangeOwner-managed” (formerly ‘SDGeneral’) 
  • Noted odd behaviour when editing a Status Action in the workflow: 'Notify to' list next to Status Action, when launched, does not have any Change Roles selected, however Change Roles are selected before editing started.
  • Edits of "Non-Standard & Proposed Standard - ChangeOWner-managed" applied automatically to its child duplicate “Non-Standard & Proposed Standard” which had had it’s own customizations
  • When issues detected, edited "Non-Standard & Proposed Standard" back to its original customization, this changed "Non-Standard & Proposed Standard - ChangeOWner-managed"
  • System treating both workflows as the same one, whether or not the name is changed

Suspect not related to Change Workflow names being the same for the first 32 characters (unless punctuation etc. in the text string cancel out dissimilar portions of the string)
- "Non-Standard & Proposed Standard - ChangeOwner-managed" workflow was renamed "(ChangeOwner-managed) Non-Standard & Proposed Standard" to no effect

Likely not related to duplication relationship 
- this issue did not occur when initially configuring Change Workflows

Perhaps related to assignment as the former and current default Change Workflow?  Or fact that SDGeneral workflow is disabled?
NOTE: Have not tried renaming "(ChangeOwner-managed) Non-Standard & Proposed Standard" to SDGeneral.  Afraid to touch it at this point.

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