Custom Report

Custom Report

I would like to know if I could have a custom report that would show everything about an account in one line.  I have the below report, but this report duplicates the entire line just to show they have multiple products associated.  I would like the report to just list all products in one field.  See attachment.

SELECT org.NAME "Account",org.NAME "Account",cust_fields.UDF_CHAR1 "Branch Of Service",cust_fields.UDF_CHAR2 "Region",cust_fields.UDF_CHAR4 "Base",cust_fields.UDF_CHAR5 "Program",cust_fields.UDF_LONG1 "SAP ID",cust_fields.UDF_CHAR3 "Hours of Operation",cust_fields.UDF_CHAR6 "Gateway / Merchant #",longtodate(cust_fields.UDF_DATE1) "POS Date Installed",cust_fields.UDF_CHAR7 "SAP Interfaced",cinfo.WEB_URL "Website",cinfo.LANDLINE "Phone",prod.COMPONENTNAME "Product",post.CITY "City",post.STREET "Street",post.STATE "State",cust_fields.UDF_CHAR8 "Building Number" FROM Customer cust LEFT JOIN AaaOrganization org ON cust.CUSTOMER_ID=org.ORG_ID LEFT JOIN AaaOrgPostalAddr org_post ON org.ORG_ID=org_post.ORG_ID LEFT JOIN AaaPostalAddress post ON org_post.POSTALADDR_ID=post.POSTALADDR_ID LEFT JOIN TimeZone_Definition tzone ON cust.TIMEZONE_ID=tzone.TIMEZONE_ID LEFT JOIN Industry_Definition ind ON cust.INDUSTRY_ID=ind.INDUSTRY_ID LEFT JOIN Customer_Product cust_prod ON cust.CUSTOMER_ID=cust_prod.CUSTOMER_ID LEFT JOIN ComponentDefinition prod ON cust_prod.PRODUCT_ID=prod.COMPONENTID LEFT JOIN AaaOrgContactInfo org_contact ON org.ORG_ID=org_contact.ORG_ID LEFT JOIN AaaContactInfo cinfo ON org_contact.CONTACTINFO_ID=cinfo.CONTACTINFO_ID LEFT JOIN Department_Account dep_acc ON cust.CUSTOMER_ID=dep_acc.ACCOUNTID LEFT JOIN Customer_Fields cust_fields ON dep_acc.DEPARTMENT_ACCOUNTID=cust_fields.DEPARTMENT_ACCOUNTID WHERE  ((org.NAME = N'29 PALMS - ROADRUNNER INN - 1033210' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS) AND ((dep_acc.DEPARTMENTID = 1) AND ((prod.DEPARTMENTID = 1) OR (prod.DEPARTMENTID IS NULL))))  ORDER BY 1

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