Custom Script Templates....Questions...

Custom Script Templates....Questions...

Hello all,

I am a recent newcomer to OpManager 11, I like the product, but am frustrated by the lack of information on some aspects. Custom Script Templates being the current problem.

I am fairly competent with powershell, and have created a little script that checks some settings on a server that can't be done in OpMan. My script works fine, but I cannot seem to implement it on OpMananager.

After spending many hours trying to get this working as a template in OpManager and scouring the internet for more information on this topic I have reached the end and this post is my last resort.

What I need is more details on Custom Script Templates. Specifically:

Does the Remote server need OpMan agent installed to run remote scripts? are their any additional config considerations?

What other settings need to be changed to run scripts on a remote server through Opman? Allow Remote Execution policies/firewalls rules, domain trusts etc???

The command line. What is needed for a powershell command? Does the Powershell script need to be located on the remote server as well?

The "Execute from"  setting, seems to indicate that you can execute a script from the remote server? How? I have OPMan agent installed, but the remote server does not appear as a valid device to run from, despite Opman already recognising the remote server as running the Agent.?

As you can see I have many questions, and have been unable to find good answers. 

Can anyone Help?

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