Forum - New Type Request

Forum - New Type Request

Hi Support,

I notice in other forums that you mark posts with "we will think about it" and "in progress", this, is a brilliant idea!

Unfortunately I don't see any of these notes, next to where you see "so many people like this idea" within the SupportCenter Plus posts.

Saves us all sitting in limbo thinking the hours of work we put in making suggestions and posting are actually getting looked at.

I'd like to see this on the SupportCenter forum, but would like to see something a bit more constructive.

For example

we will think about it
on Roadmap
in progress est Q1 2010
in progress est Q2 2010
Completed in v7509

It would be then great to see another topic type alongside Start A Discussion, Ask A Question etc, to say Resolved, which could be a sub-section of Ideas in the main buttons on the home page.

So for example in the forum you would see

! (idea)   Who would like a lot of beer from ManageEngine?                          3000 users like this idea
                                                                                                               We will think about it
6 months later an huge amount of beer gets delivered to ManageEngine and they decide after drinking themselves stupid as they are so happy (i think is the word) that they want to give people who make forum posts some beer.

The post would now read

*(Resolved)  Who would like a lot of beer from ManaeEngine?                        3000 users like this idea
                                                                                                                Completed Q1 2010 (or preferably like to see Resolved v7510)

All posts that are in the main forum page from ages ago and some of which are resolved wouldn't appear in the main page, which clears out all the clutter confusing issues.

If someone had a link to this post they would click on it, see it's in the resolved section and then from the little notes next to the post which version it was resolved in.

Everybody's happy, a tidier forum, we know which release the fix was done in, as we have no idea unless we trawl through all of the previous release notes!

Flash of inspiration, or a load of nonsense,  click on the think this is a good idea now :-)




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