getting actual snmp data from counter32

getting actual snmp data from counter32

I am new to Opmanager so please have patiance with me. After a day long search I found this post that basicaly fits my problem

I my case I am trying to get vaules from a device over snmp, but only values I am getting back are 0. After looking at MIB I can see now that the value I am interested in are counter32. Combining with the post I found I now understand why I am getting back 0 since the values on the device are not changing. So what I need to do is to save absolute data to database. I tried to use procedure described in the post, but it is not working for me.
First part:
update polleddata set saveabsolutes='true' where name='apmCurrentSnrMin.66049';
returns update 0

And second par:
update polldatatemplate set saveabsolutes=true where oid='.';
returns update 6

After restarting the server values that are returned are still 0.
Could someone please help me with this?
                New to ADManager Plus?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?