How to copy templates from old to new database ?? // problem after restoredatabase !!

How to copy templates from old to new database ?? // problem after restoredatabase !!

someone can help me, how can i copy some templates from old to new database ?

i have two databases
SDP SPOC - old database
ME ServiceDesk Plus Analytics - its new database

my old databse have many templates.

Why do i need this?

Actually i need to move analytics from old to new instance.
my old database have link: https://war04aps001:9443/

Operation on old server:
1. stop analytics service
2. backup data by using backupDB.bat
3. copy file ZIP to new instance.

operation on SDP server
1. remove connection advanced analytisc

next: operation on new server analytics
1. installed the same version like on old server
2. first run
3. stop service
4. restoreDB.bat from zip file
5. run analytics

after this on SDP server:
1. add server analytics
2. sync data by SDP server.

Now analytics shows only default templates, why ?

where are my templates ?

now my anatytics database have link: https://war04aps001:9443/

By The Way:
after this was made steps:

on analytisc server:
1. stop service
2. restoreDB
3. run service

Now SDP shows error abut problem with connection - problem with credenctials configurations

Buton Advanced Analytics in SDP have new link: https://war04aps001:9443/
this is strange becouse this database DBID=1201 not exist. (after restoreDB)
as i said: my old link was https://war04aps001:9443/
now analytics database is availabe on this link, but not import new data from SDP.

Could You please tell us, How to use backup and restore database ?
how it works ?
how move database from old to next instance and connect to SDP correctly ?

next steps after this - on analytics web interface:
1. change DB name

od analytics instance:
1. stop service

on SDP instance
1. remove connection to analytics

on analytics instance:
1. start service

on SDP instance
1. add again analytics to SDP
2. sync data
3. this time database have link https://war04aps001:9443/

After login on analytics, system shows only default templates.
But this time i ahve two databases in anatytics.

my old DBID=303 database name: SDP SPOC
new DBID=1202 database name: ME ServiceDesk Plus Analytics

my old database have backups:
my question - how can i use it ? - how recovery data (templates) from zip file, how can i use it?


i would ask you, how copy templates from old to new database?
or maybe is different way to restore database and continue works on this.


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