help help

I am running NFA on SLES (I know it's not supported, but my hands are tied). I want to setup NFA to run as a Service/Daemon, but the scrupt error's when I run it (presumably because it was written for Redhat and not Suse). If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Here's the error-

ln: creating symbolic link `/etc/rc0.d/K98netflowanalyzer' to `/etc/init.d/netflowanalyzer': No such file or directory
ln: creating symbolic link `/etc/rc6.d/K98netflowanalyzer' to `/etc/init.d/netflowanalyzer': No such file or directory
ln: creating symbolic link `/etc/rc5.d/S98netflowanalyzer' to `/etc/init.d/netflowanalyzer': No such file or directory
To start the service login as superuser and use /etc/init.d/netflowanalyzer

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