SW-Deployment (Batch Script) "In Progress"

SW-Deployment (Batch Script) "In Progress"


I have a batch script which I need to be run as software deployment.

I created a "msiexec" package, added path and executable (batch) and deployed the package to my target machine.

The scripts runs perfectly but the status wont change to "successful", it justs stays "In Progress", even though it was executed more than 2hrs ago!

1. My script (replaced paths and files)
  1. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x D:\PATH\TO\My.ZIP -oD:\Target -r -y >> D:\unzip.log
    exit /B 0

I can see inside the unzip log that the process was executed completely and without error.

2. my SW Package:

-> Script works fine
-> Deployment stays "in progress"
-> max. Duration is not kept by deployment
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