virtual host apache setup in webNMS and getting NMSAuthManager failure

virtual host apache setup in webNMS and getting NMSAuthManager failure

can you please help me with the following problem ...
i have 2 problems .
1. i get NMSAuthManger process fails on start-up - where can I look to diagnose the problem.
2. I want to setup webnms using virtualhossts for apache so that i can install two different levels of security tls v1.1 and ssl 3.
when i do the config changes in httpd.conf by adding the directives :
<VirtualHost ipOfMachine:9091>
ServerAdmin root@localhost
DocumentRoot "WEBNMS_ROOT_DIR"
ErrorLog logs/error.log
TransferLog logs/access.log

i cant start webNMS ... it fails at the stage trying to make connection with webserver.
is there a is there a log file where i can look for errors. better are there any examples which I can follow.
i'm trying to do following have different certificates for two different parts of the applications, ssl and tls with different levels of security - i have been told ip based virtual hosts is the answer. 

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