Workstations did not add to assets after domain scan

Workstations did not add to assets after domain scan

Hi! I got some question about domain scan in SDP.

We're trying to scan a domain (~2000 workstations) but just a little part of it (~500) was added to assets.
These ws's run correct agent and are online (checked more than once) and the most curious thing is that there is no error about these ws's (~1500) that haven't been added.
I checked server logs and found that these ws's probably have some problems with scanned data:

Do not update the history if there was ignorable memory difference :WORKSTATIONNAME - 90514-ws015.kzgroup.local - 90514-ws314.kzgroup.local

So I assume ws's were successfully scanned but not added to assets because of strings like this. I cannot understand what "Do not update the history if there was ignorable memory difference" means.
Important note: if I use Workstation scan exactly for one of these ws's - it will be successful and shows the info page. But still there is no record is assets for this test ws after that.

Pls tell me what "Do not update the history if there was ignorable memory difference" means. What kind of memory? What is "history"? I think it is a key to solve the problem.
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